Saturday, February 11, 2012

moved again

Mom was released from the hospital yesterday and has moved to a different care center.  This one is called Woodland Park Care Center.  The address is 3855 South 700 East, Salt Lake.  She is in room #316.
She is doing really good.  All of the issues that sent her to the hospital have been pretty much taken care of.  She doesn't have the feeding tube anymore so she has been eating a lot more.  She has to share a room at the new place, which is different for her, but it seems like a good place.  Now she just needs to get working on physical therapy again so that she can get strong enough to go home.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

two steps forward and one step back

Things have been going pretty good.  Mom is working really hard on rehab.  She is now to the point where she can sit on the side of the bed for about 20 minutes.  They are working on getting her to stand with the help of a walker.  They said that if everything goes well, she could be ready to be released in a couple of months. By then, they should have her to the point that she can transfer in and out of a wheelchair.

Unfortunately, she is now back in the hospital.  They took her in a couple of days ago.  She has a bladder and kidney infection, was pretty dehydrated, and her potassium and blood sugar levels were really high. They are going to keep her there for a few days at least until they get everything back under control.  

It was a little disheartening to have her have to go back to the hospital when everything seemed to be going so well, but it is really just a minor setback.  She should be back up and working in a few days.